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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " product sites" yielded 405 matches

01/01/2011 - Bright Future for Sunglasses
Discount sunglasses are a great item to source online, because the Web makes it easy to browse the thousands of styles out there.

01/01/2011 - SEO Sweet Sixteen
There are a number of ways to drive traffic to a webSITE. Typically, a mix of various methods and channels works best to create a steady stream.

01/01/2011 - Stay Connected For Success
In the increasingly fragmented market space of 2011, how can retailers, especially those who source PRODUCTs online, best reach their increasingly tech-savvy customer base?

12/01/2010 - World Trading 23 Upgrades For Growth
World Trading 23, an online specialty toy wholesaler, has embarked on an ambitious program of upgrades and enhancements.

12/01/2010 - Fragrance Sales Not Wafting Away
From perfume to incense to air fresheners, scented PRODUCTs continue to draw customers to retail checkouts, even in a stinky economy.

12/01/2010 - Sunny Outlook For Solarrific
Grace King is a wholesaler with a mission. "I started my company in 2007, when the price of oil was getting high.

12/01/2010 - Mobile Commerce
With all the talk of iPhones, apps, Blackberrys and like-minded "smart" devices, at some point, if not already, you need to consider when it is right to make a move to mobile commerce.

11/01/2010 - Email Etiquette and Disclaimers
Observing the rules of email etiquette can be a quick and painless component of marketing your PRODUCTs or services to existing and prospective customers.

11/01/2010 - Via Trading Adds Spanish-Language SITE
In November 2002, Via Trading made its first sale.

11/01/2010 - Ecommerce Holiday Checklist
The holidays are quickly approaching, and retailers should already be pushing promos geared to these dates.

11/01/2010 - Holiday Web Sales Uptick?
Coming off a summer that saw significant online sales growth, several forecasters are dreaming about the upcoming holiday season.

11/01/2010 - Treasure Seekers Unite
An online community of independent ecommerce retailers has launched several new services in a bid to become even more useful to its network of online merchants.

10/01/2010 - Landing Page Optimization
Many online entrepreneurs are content with letting their webSITES' home pages sell their goods for them.

10/01/2010 - Quality Italian Air Fresheners
Car wash magnate Ira Feinberg has been an entrepreneur, inventor, and industry expert for close to 50 years.

10/01/2010 - Pampered Princess Booms Online
Sharee Kowalski was a mom selling wholesale jewelry out of the trunk of her car 20 years ago.

10/01/2010 - Jewelry & Watches Rebound
Time may indeed heal all wounds, as the old saying goes, if the recent performance of the jewelry and watches segment of the economy is any indicator.

10/01/2010 - Turning Web Shoppers into Buyers
Many online store owners have the impression that all they have to do is attract more traffic and sales rise.

09/11/2010 - Building Online Revenue with Affiliate Programs
Everyone wants to make more money. Affiliate programs are a great way to make more money with relatively little effort.

09/09/2010 - Wholesale Central's New Data Security Standards, the top-ranked business-to-business directory for general merchandise buyers, distributors, importers and manufacturers, was recently certified PCI Compliant.

09/01/2010 - Giftbliss Succeeds With Snow To Go
Giftbliss Sales started up in 1993 as a manufacturers' rep group.

09/01/2010 - Improving Quality Scores
If you are managing any form of advertising, getting the biggest bang for your buck should be at the top of your mind.

09/01/2010 - Rules of Mobile Marketing
In today's four-screen marketing world, designing an ideal mobile SITE is becoming more important than ever for the e-retailer.

08/01/2010 - New SITE Sparks Eros Hosiery Success
A family wholesale business with a long tradition of success is embracing new technology with a completely redesigned webSITE and back-end system.

08/01/2010 - The Party Animal Inc. Unveils Lil' Teammates
Party Animal Inc. has become the talk of the sports toy industry this year, thanks to a new line called Lil' Teammates.

08/01/2010 - Creating a Sale Capturing Checkout Process
The checkout process is one of the most important parts of a successful ecommerce SITE.

07/01/2010 - A Walk Through the Footwear Industry
Some 18 months ago, the footwear industry was very much feeling the effects of the global economic crisis.

07/01/2010 - The Party Animal Unveils Lil' Teammates
The Party Animal Inc. is the talk of the sports toy industry this year,

07/01/2010 - Track Google PRODUCT Search Traffic in Google Analytics
Since measurement is the key to success, I wanted to continue that series providing yet one more item ecommerce SITES may want to consider tracking.

07/01/2010 - Profits From Abandoned Carts
Every ecommerce shopping cart that does not get pushed to checkout is a lost sale.

07/01/2010 - Flea market community and news SITE launches at
Business WebSITE offers daily news, how-to articles, hot PRODUCT and supplier features, reader forums, and a directory of thousands of U.S. flea markets and swap meets.

06/01/2010 - Unlocking Ecommerce Software to Grow Your Business
It's one of the age-old dilemmas faced by business owners: You've got a terrific PRODUCT or service to sell, but not a good means of selling it.

06/01/2010 - Tradition and Innovation at Solid Silver
A family jewelry business, Solid Silver Inc. was established back in 1986 Los Angeles by Voravudh Vorasuvin, then a recent émigré from Thailand.

06/01/2010 - Tattoo Program Triples Your Profits
TAT International founder and owner, Kirk Knapp, has not had it easy in business. "Nine years ago I was broke," he says.

05/01/2010 - Sweet Success With Candy Concepts is not just about candy. In fact, candy now accounts for a mere ten to 15 percent of the company's sales.

05/01/2010 - Empowers Entrepreneurs
Buying from is an excellent way for store owners to stay ahead of their competition, because the company carries sought-after, trendy items not found anywhere else.

05/01/2010 - Policy Changes at Facebook
Companies that use Facebook as a way of advertising and establishing their brand will have to come to terms with a somewhat drastic change the social networking giant is making with regards to how users will interact with corporate entities online

04/01/2010 - Ten Best Shipping Practices
It's no secret: Shipping is one of the most essential factors in closing ecommerce sales.

03/01/2010 - Gift Offers Preloaded SITES
After a retailer, eBay store, flea marketer or anyone else who sells PRODUCT sets up an account at Gift, they can simply visit that webSITE, order the PRODUCT and have it shipped in their store's name to their customer

02/01/2010 - Tech Feature: Google Analytics
How do you measure the success of your company's webSITE? Receiving reports on how many users clicked on the SITE is a fairly basic way.

02/01/2010 - Social Media 101
Once thought to be a passing fad, and still relatively new, social media has taken a firm hold and warrants attention in many retailers' online marketing efforts.

01/01/2010 - MK Brings Good Life to Water
The Good Life Gear PRODUCT line from MK Distributors Inc. includes stainless steel water bottles with clever twists that make using them much more fun and functional than similar PRODUCTs.

01/01/2010 - Building Trust Online
Although a number of factors come into play when a customer makes a buying decision on the Internet, none is more important than trust.

12/01/2009 - The Future of Web Video
Video may have killed the radio star, as the old song by the Buggles claims, but today there's growing evidence that video may have static, text-heavy webSITES in its crosshairs as well.

11/01/2009 - Spectrum Packaging Has Customer Service in the Bag
In an extremely competitive market determined primarily by price, Spectrum Packaging has carved a niche for themselves with their superior customer service.

11/01/2009 - Effective Email Marketing
A staple in any customer retention program is the ability to write emails that strengthen relationships, receive responses and prompt action.

11/01/2009 - Comparison Shopping
Online merchants can benefit from revealing competitors' prices on their webSITE, even if the competitor's price is lower.

11/01/2009 - Closeout Central Partners with TMC has been selected as the official wholesale directory of the Transworld Merchandise Center. Closeout Central, established by Sumner Communications Inc. in 1996, is the Internet's oldest and most respected closeout directory.

10/01/2009 - Unique Selection at Red Barn Ranch
There really is a red barn at Red Barn Ranch Wholesale. It was built in 1910 on what was then a walnut farm, and it is now the warehouse for their inventory of beautiful and diverse PRODUCTs.

10/01/2009 - Loyalty Differs Online and Off
Customer loyalty in the online world is not the same as loyalty to a brick and mortar store.

10/01/2009 - Kiosks Rev Up for Christmas
What is true for every retailer is equally true, if not more so, for kiosk and cart vendors: the need to make the most of the holiday season.

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