Wholesale Suppliers

Over 2 million product-hungry wholesale buyers use Wholesale Central
to find suppliers like you! Add your company today and
increase your traffic and buyer response.

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Grow your business with Wholesale Central

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If you are a manufacturer, wholesaler, distributor or importer wishing to be found by significant wholesale-only buyers, store owners, major distributors, vendors, online merchants and independent retailers, add your company today.

  • Largest Wholesale Directory since 1996
  • Strictly B2B - no consumers
  • FREE E-commerce shopping cart
  • Unlimited Traffic 24/7
  • FREE Customer Support
Press release - WholesaleCentral.com Compete chart - WholesaleCentral.com

How it works

Wholesale Central is the web's leading directory of wholesalers since 1996. Over 2 million wholesale buyers visit Wholesale Central to find suppliers just like you.

Simply add your company to the directory and you will gain constant daily exposure to these product-hungry buyers. And once you are listed you can choose to take advantage of free bonuses, such as posting your deals on our popular Deals & Steals page, uploading your products into our exclusive wholesale Product Search, and use of our e-commerce storefront.

The site is strictly business-to-business. You must be a wholesaler, manufacturer, importer, distributor, or provide a B2B service to join Wholesale Central.

No Commissions or Hidden Fees

Wholesale Central takes no commission on your sales and there are no hidden costs, assuring you of the highest profit margin opportunities. When a buyer finds you on Wholesale Central, we link them to your website, where they do business with you directly. There are no costly and time-consuming PPC campaigns to manage. Listings are simply rotated randomly every day, assuring all members equal chances of being on page 1 search results on any given day. Just list your company, and we deliver the traffic.

Our Marketing

Our position as the industry's leading publisher of trade magazines and directories since 1985 allows us to promote Wholesale Central to our enormous readership of qualified buyers in print each and every month. Combine that with our aggressive marketing campaigns in leading business publications, at all major trade shows, and on the web, and you have the most powerful marketing machine in the industry!

Independent sources such as Alexa® and Compete® have shown that Wholesale Central outperforms all other wholesale directories. This translates into increased sales and profits for our members. By placing your company in the WholesaleCentral.com directory, you are getting constant exposure to the largest audience of wholesale buyers gathered in one place on the Internet. Add your company today.

FREE Benefits with your Wholesale Central membership

  1. FREE Storefront
    We offer a free ecommerce platform to our members. Open your own personalized wholesale store online, and load up to 500 items (unlimited items available for a small additional fee). Easy and convenient self-serve web interface. Free customer support for the lifetime of your membership.
  2. FREE Leads
    Our exclusive Product Locator Service is available to all members, allowing you to receive product requests from buyers in over 50 merchandise categories.
  3. FREE Hot Deal Promotion
    Free postings of your deals and specials with our Deals & Steals feature.
  4. FREE Data Feed from your Shopping Cart
    You may choose to load your items in our Wholesale Power Search, the web's largest wholesale-only product search. As a member of Wholesale Central you may use our EZFeed feature to load your products into this powerful sales tool.
  5. FREE Customer Support
    We offer unparalleled customer support to assist you at any time. We will help you get started and show you how to maximize results and response.
  6. FREE Print Support
    New members are featured in Independent Retailer Magazine, reaching 125,000 independent retail store owners, kiosk operators, distributors, and wholesaler merchandise buyers. All members are eligible for free listings in our directories and special directory issues of our monthly trade magazines.

Advertising opportunities

Wholesale Central provides additional advertising opportunities to the companies listed in our directory. These highly targeted placements dramatically boost visibility and traffic to your site. Click on any ad to view its placement on the page.
Call 1-800-999-8281 for pricing and availability.

Wholesale Central offers many advertising opportunities to increase traffic to your website

Run of site ads

  • Top Banners
    Your banner appears at the top of every page on WholesaleCentral.com. Top banner ads may be animated.
  • Bottom Banners
    Your banner appears at the bottom of every page on WholesaleCentral.com. Bottom banner ads may be animated.

Home page ads

  • Side Banners
    Side banner ads appear on the home page and their position rotates daily.
  • Popular Items
    These ads link exclusively to your website or storefront.
  • Featured Stores
    These are banner ads with text and a link.

Category search results ads

Product search results ads

  • Product Search Featured Seller
    When an item is searched, your ad appears when any item in your storefront contains a keyword that matches the item searched.

Email campaigns

Wholesale Central provides premium sourcing tools that help wholesale buyers find wholesale suppliers and products. This site is strictly B2B. Wholesale only. No consumers.

Recommended by FORBES as a top-pick for wholesale buying and selling.

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