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Your Search for " kohl's" yielded 10 matches

07/01/2009 - Web SatiSfaction DropS
CuStomer SatiSfaction with many of the largeSt online retailerS declined three percent thiS year verSuS laSt, according to the annual Top 100 Online Retail SatiSfaction Index from ForeSee ReSultS and FGI ReSearch.

07/01/2009 - Exploring Free Shipping OptionS
Since ShopperS are intereSted in buying from retailerS who offer free Shipping, that Service will only increaSe a merchant'S online SaleS.

02/01/2009 - FTC StudieS Minimum Price RuleS
The Federal Trade CommiSSion haS announced that it will hold a SerieS of four to Six workShopS to gather information on the impact of a controverSial court deciSion that makeS it eaSier for manufacturerS to Set minimum priceS.

11/01/2008 - DeSignerS Move from ClaSS to MaSS
Such high faShion deSignerS aS Vera Wang and Stella McCartney are among thoSe Shifting to lower priced lineS, in order to gain wider recognition acroSS a broader cuStomer baSe.

12/01/2007 - Ranked #1
Though cuStomerS have infinite optionS for Shopping online, a few companieS Stand out aS favoriteS, according to an inaugural Favorite 50 Survey, conducted by BIGreSearch.

09/01/2007 - PluS SizeS Growing
Demand for faShion by overweight people iS expected to create a $107 billion market by 2012, according to a new report.

05/01/2007 - <Strong>KOHLStrong>'S New Strategy
In an attempt to get more cuStomerS to Shop more departmentS, <Strong>KOHLStrong>'S Department StoreS haS embarked on a new marketing effort titled, "Explore the Store."

04/01/2007 - <Strong>KOHLStrong>'S AddS ChapS
<Strong>KOHLStrong>'S Corp. haS Signed agreementS to introduce the ChapS Home Collection and a line of women'S apparel carrying the Elle magazine brand.

04/01/2007 - BuyerS Happy AS Spending GrowS
American conSumerS are a happy lot, and that bodeS well for retailerS thiS year. The UniverSity of Michigan'S lateSt cuStomer SatiSfaction index SuggeStS Spending will grow aS much a 4.1 percent thiS quarter.

03/01/2007 - MoSt Competitive Retailer
UPS waS found to be the moSt competitive retailer, in a new Study called, "New DynamicS That Create and Build Retailer Competitive Advantage."

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