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.1 $4.50 & UP Fashion Items
.2 New Arrivals
.3 Aloha Wear
.4 Kukui Nut/Shell Leis
.5 Necklaces/Silk Leis
.6 Bracelets / Anklets
.7 Earrings
.8 Eco Bags/Fanny Pack/Bags
.9 Gift Items / Home Decor
10. Winter Collection 50% OFF
11. Dream Catchers
12. Everything Rasta
13. Faux Turtle Shell Items
14. Fimo Flower
15. Polynesian Accessories
16. Rings & Toe Rings
17. Case Pricing Sales
18. Wooden Display Racks
19.Shell/Coconut Matrials
About Us

DK Hawaiian Collection

5945-47 Sheila Street
Commerce, California 90040 United States
Phone: (323)516-6029, Fax: (213) 747-7482

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Minimum Order: $150.00

Minimum Order

1. Domestic Orders A minimum order amount of $150.00 is required for all orders within the USA, including the 50 continental states, Alaska, and Hawaii. 2. International Orders A minimum order amount of $450.00 is required for all international orders, including U.S. territories and providences such as: Canada Saipan American Samoa Western Samoa Jamaica Guam U.S. Virgin Islands Tahiti Marshall Islands Puerto Rico

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