Product Locator Service
Request Detail

The Product Locator Service has been discontinued.
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Buyer Request

Request: Vitabath Products
*Amazon Wholesale Business* Searching for Vitabath Branded products. This will fall into the Home, Beauty, & Health category. Please do not contact me unless you can be valuable.

Company Name: Stonetta LLC

Date Posted: 06/22/21

Supplier Responses (1)


Thank you so much for contacting us! We are glad to hear that our amazing products caught your attention!

I have attached a catalog and application form for you with all the information you need. Please let me know if you have any further questions or any other details you would like me to know.

I'm looking forward to getting started with you!


Karla S -- DeSoap Boutique (818) 414-8029

Response ID:57956