Product Locator Service
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Buyer Request

Request: Eco friendly products
I am looking for suppliers that provide a variety of eco friendly products. It does not have to be one supplier.

Company Name: Naturetron

Date Posted: 08/09/21

Supplier Responses (1)


Hi, We can provide you with an ALL NATURAL _ CHEMICAL FREE Sunscreen. There is nothing like this on the market. It comes in a pint sized container and each pint comes with a free educational book about the importance of sunscreen and best practices. At this time, I can provide you with 1100 pieces. Normally the retail price on this is 12 for $779. If you order with me by August 20th, I will extend a special wholesale offer to you of: 12 for for $480. Our website is: Please contact me at your earliest convenience 855-KIDZGOO or order right on our website. Thank you.

Response ID:58173