Product Locator Service
Request Detail

The Product Locator Service has been discontinued.
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Buyer Request

Request: Brand Name Men's Hair Product
Hi there, I am the purchasing manager here at ShopKeep Supply and we are looking for distributors of brand name men's hair products such as Paul Mitchell, Aveda, Layrite, Redken that are US based. Our main sales channels include Walmart, eBay, Amazon, and our website. I look forward to developing a partnership with you. Daniel

Company Name: ShopKeep Supply

Date Posted: 08/20/21

Supplier Responses (2)


We are a wholesale supplier to online sellers.

Check us out at

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Response ID:58214


Hello, MinMaxDeals LLC is cosmetics & skincare wholesaler based in California. Please visit or send your requests to for more information. Thank you

Response ID:58228