Product Locator Service
Request Detail

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Buyer Request

Request: Clothes
Need a quote for the following items: Men's Berne Workwear Ripstop Cargo Pants, Color: putty: size:36x34. 18 Each Men's Berne Workwear Ripstop Cargo Pants, Color: putty: size:40x32. 4 Each Men's Berne Workwear Ripstop Cargo Pants, Color: putty: size:33x32. 12 Each Men's Berne Workwear Ripstop Cargo Pants, Color: putty: size:32x32. 6 Each Men's Berne Workwear Ripstop Cargo Pants, Color: putty: size:30x30. 4 Each Gildan Men's DryBlend Preshrunk Short Sleeve Polo Shirt,Color:maroon:Size:Large 20 Ea

Company Name: Basic Tech Solutions

Date Posted: 09/23/21

Supplier Responses (2)


We Do these items BUT only in bulk qtys and on adnavec orders

Response ID:58391


we have all kind of apparel

Response ID:58392