Product Locator Service
Request Detail

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Buyer Request

Request: Body mists
Looking for bath & body works mists supplier please and thank you

Company Name: Anything with Flour

Date Posted: 03/23/22

Supplier Responses (2)


Yes , we do supply body mist but you do have to be more specific , and I am presuming you are asking anything to do with Flower , means floral note. So get back to me with your request list , or request a list from us . Please specify would you sell in store or online . Thank you very much for your interest.

Response ID:58774



We have this product in our dropship program for those who have an online store. Thank you for your interest, you can view the catalog below. login: PW : demo1234

You can sign up here

Thank you, Steven Harris

BEGLOBAL Head office : 910 Foulk Road, Suite201, Wilmington, DE-19803 USA

Response ID:58836