Product Locator Service
Request Detail

The Product Locator Service has been discontinued.
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Buyer Request

Request: gel pens
Looking for gels pens with as many different quantities and colors in basic neon metallics pastel glitter and swirls.

Company Name: JVRS143

Date Posted: 04/13/22

Supplier Responses (1)


Dear wholesale central user, Thank you for the inquiry. We'd like to gladly inform you that our platform is capable of meeting your buying demands. As the biggest cross-border B2B e-commerce marketplace, we source directly from top-notch manufacturers and deliver products to buyers from local warehouses within the shortest time. For further consultation, please kindly click the link below to fill out the registration form so we can better cater to you. We'll assign a sales member to specifically follow up buyers' demands. Also, we've prepared wholesale central user a little gift. Feel free to browse our platform with exclusive coupons!

By leaving a passphrase in remark place, your order will be entitled to Premium After-sales Service.

For any further questions please email directly to Best regards Xcommerces Gateway Inc

Response ID:58823