Product Locator Service
Request Detail

The Product Locator Service has been discontinued.
Use our industry-leading PRODUCT SEARCH to find great products to sell, and connect directly with active suppliers.
Buyer Request

Request: Essential water
1 liter 12 pack on 1 pallet

Company Name: Monopoly Tax & Multiservices Corp

Date Posted: 05/17/22

Supplier Responses (2)


hello there please check our product

Response ID:58961


DWC wholesale customers are Storefronts, Online Sellers, International customers across North & South America. We can Supply it, Label it, Pack it, and Ship it for you to your FBA Company. Every day we are doing it for Amazon, Walmart, storefronts, and international customers, and retailers. Create an Account with DWC: Go to - Top Tab ? Far Right ? Click on Create an Account. Our team will process new accounts Monday to Friday and will send a welcome email with directions on how to order.

PRODUCT LIST: We provide our customer with an updated product list with UPC# and/or ASIN # to review the newest products and in stock products for purchase. DWC is interested in working with professional online sellers that understand the process to list and sell on the online platform. We are a supplier. We are not your mentor to educate you on how to do tasks on the selling platform. 1. Product list is now online -

2. Create an Account:

Response ID:58969