Product Locator Service
Request Detail

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Buyer Request

Request: Beach/pool themed items for outside and inside hom
Beach mats, lounge chairs throw pillows, beach towels, home decor

Company Name: Beach & Home

Date Posted: 06/01/21

Supplier Responses (3)



We are a supplier of brand-name products. We carry : Beauty & personal care, beach, toys, office products, health & household, home & kitchen, etc.

Please visit our website and fill out an application to receive our wholesale catalog.

Additionally, we send out daily deals via email and through our telegram channel. You will receive access to all of the above upon registering for an account.

Thank you

Response ID:57855


Yes, I can supply fish tanks and pumps and ebikes.

Response ID:57861


swim caps,ggles,striped beach cabana towels, bath towels, garden shoes (CROCS LIKE). INFLATABLE RAFTS

Response ID:57862