Product Locator Service
Request Detail

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Buyer Request

Request: Zen Wise
Hey there my name is Adrian with Ezkart. We're currently looking for authorized distributors/vendors for our Amazon FBA wholesale business to provide us with brand named products. We have our resellers certificate on hand if needed. Sincerely Ezkart

Company Name: EZKART LLC

Date Posted: 08/27/21

Supplier Responses (4)


What is the best email address to reach you?

Response ID:58288


Hello, MinMaxDeals LLC is cosmetics & skincare wholesaler based in California. Please visit or send your requests to for more information. Thank you

Response ID:58289


Hello! My name is Shadi Atassi and I am the cofounder of Milonga Yerba Mate, the first & only CBD infused Organic Yerba Mate company in the world. We are already selling in Amazon both our CBD line of products and also our non CBD line in loose leaf and in Keurig Cups. If you are interested in doing FBA for our products, we are willing to give additional benefits.

Please let me know how you would want to advance and thank you for your time!

Check out our website for more info:

Response ID:58291


Trupure Organics Skin Care is a brand that is made by and for older women. Price ranges and MOQ's are great .

Every single product we offer contributes to the overall health of women's skin. Each one will provide a comprehensive range of benefits, including a reduction in wrinkles and a general protection against aging. They are all powerful when used individually, and are formulated to complement each other to maximise benefits when used in combination.

Now, where should you start if you're new to the line?

For first time buyers: We recommend combining the moisturizer with the lift / sculpt serum. These two were developed to be the foundation of ANY long term skin care routine. Together they will maximize all the benefits.

Please contact me : email: cell: 216-702-0345

Visit our Wholesale website to learn more about our revolutionary skin cate line.

Response ID:58293