Product Locator Service
Request Detail

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Buyer Request

Request: Security Camera 2K, blurams Baby Monitor
Hi, I am the owner over at Watts Property Haven Trading. We sell on our website as well as larger platforms such as eBay, Walmart, and Amazon. I am looking for this product from the brand Blurams. I would prefer the supplier be able to ship directly to Amazon warehouse.

Company Name: Watts property haven

Date Posted: 04/22/22

Supplier Responses (1)


We are Cutting Edge Products and we are a manufacturer/ importer of many different self-defense, security and safety products. We manufacture pepper spray, stun guns, stun baton/flashlights and home and business security products along with cameras, DVRs. Please have a look at our web site to see if you think anything would be of interest: We can be reached by e-mail ( or phone: (252) 830-5577, EXT 1, M-F, 9-5. Thank you.

Response ID:58870