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Atlanta International Fall Cash & Carry

11/10/25 - 11/12/25


Atlanta, GA United States

Cash & Carry offers an opportunity for buyers and brands to connect and conduct business for immediate inventory restock each May and November. Over 350 showrooms are open, with home d?cor resources in Building 1, gift resources in Building 2 and apparel, accessories and fine jewelry in Building 3. Building 3, Floor 1 features temporary exhibitors carrying jewelry, accessories and hundreds of gift items with no spending minimum.

Estimated Exhibitors: 50

Estimated Attendees:

Cash and Carry: Yes

Trade Show Categories:

Contact Show Sponsor

International Market Centers

Tel: 404-220-2234

Fax: 404-220-2299

240 Peachtree St. N.W., Ste. 2200, Atlanta, GA 30303

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