
8 Matches for Calculator   from B TO B SUPPLIES

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Energizer 1025 CR 1025 Lithium 3V Battery
Energizer 1025 CR 1025 Lithium 3V Battery
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: Batteries]
Price: 0.79
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2012 battery
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2012 battery
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: Batteries]
Price: 1.29
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 1616
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 1616
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: Batteries]
Price: 0.49
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR2016 _Battery
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR2016 _Battery
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: Batteries]
Price: 0.39
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2025
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2025
"otable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and as [Category: Batteries]
Price: 0.39
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2032
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2032
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: "Batteries, Featured"]
Price: 0.39
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2430
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2430
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: Batteries]
Price: 1.49
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2450
Maxell Micro Lithium Cell CR 2450
"Notable characteristics of these batteries are their light weight and high voltage compared to other types of batteries. Moreover, the operating temperature range is wider. Originally developed for wrist watches and electronic CALCULATORs, they have recently been widely used for memory backup and a [Category: "Batteries, General Hardware"]
Price: 1.25
item updated: 02/19/2024
B TO B SUPPLIES (show all matches)

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