
3 Matches for Hammer   from Wholesale Jewelry Website

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Ball Peen HAMMER / DIY0010
Ball Peen HAMMER / DIY0010
"Description:Any job worth doing is worth doing right, and that means having the proper tools. A ball peen HAMMER is one of those essential tools, whether you're a professional tradesman or a DIY enthusiast. This type of HAMMER has a rounded head, which is used for striking and shaping metal. The [Category: Tools]
Price: 15.87
item updated: 07/07/2023
Wholesale Jewelry Website (show all matches)

Small 2Lb Stamping HAMMER / DIY0012
Small 2Lb Stamping HAMMER / DIY0012
Description:The Small 2Lb Stamping HAMMER is perfect for any jeweler or metalsmith. The head is made of durable cast steel and is nicely balanced for easy stamping. The hardwood handle provides a comfortable grip and gives you great control while working. This HAMMER is a great addition to any work [Category: Tools]
Price: 24.95
item updated: 07/07/2023
Wholesale Jewelry Website (show all matches)

Soft Face Mallet / DIY0007
Soft Face Mallet / DIY0007
"Description:Looking for a soft face mallet that won't damage your surfaces? Look no further than the soft-face mallet! The mallet is perfect for delicate tasks where a regular HAMMER would be too much. The soft face protects your surfaces from damage, while the durable construction ensures that t [Category: Tools]
Price: 14.97
item updated: 07/07/2023
Wholesale Jewelry Website (show all matches)

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