
2 Matches for Printer   from NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC.

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"Portable Thermal Label Maker - Smaller size, lighter weight, the label maker machine size is 11 x 10 x 5cm, weight:400g, is half of the tradtional label makers. M220 label maker using thermal technology, meaning this barcode PRINTER never use ink, toner, ribbons again and only need thermal labels t [Category: "Amazon FBA Customers, Office Supplies"]
Price: Password required for wholesale pricing.
item updated: 11/08/2023
NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC. (show all matches)

"Compact Design - Phomemo M08F-A4 Portable PRINTER is compact and portable, 80% smaller in size and weight than traditional PRINTERs, effortless to hold with one hand. The thermal PRINTER is suitable for any scenarios that require mobile printing in business/travel/car/office/school. For example, pr [Category: "Amazon FBA Customers, Office Supplies"]
Price: Password required for wholesale pricing.
item updated: 11/08/2023
NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC. (show all matches)

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