
3 Matches for Saints   from NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC.

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"Yves SAINT Laurent Paris Eau De Parfum Spray, 1.6 Ounce" [Category: Perfume]
Price: Password required for wholesale pricing.
item updated: 11/08/2023
NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC. (show all matches)

"'-The perfume is named after Paris, the adored city of Yves SAINT Laurent, who created it as a tribute to the Parisiennes who are -always elegant, romantic, vivacious, ironic, simple and charming \n-Paris is a brilliant harmony of roses and violet flowers \n-This woody-floral starts with bergamot [Category: Perfume]
Price: Password required for wholesale pricing.
item updated: 11/08/2023
NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC. (show all matches)

"'-The perfume is named after Paris, the adored city of Yves SAINT Laurent, who created it as a tribute to the Parisiennes who are always elegant, romantic, vivacious, ironic, simple and charming \n-Paris is a brilliant harmony of roses and violet flowers \n-This woody-floral starts with bergamot [Category: Perfume]
Price: Password required for wholesale pricing.
item updated: 11/08/2023
NEX DEAL DISTRIBUTION INC. (show all matches)

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