
5 Matches for Vitamins   from Katalyst Beverage Corp.

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Griptonite Sippin Syrup
Griptonite Sippin Syrup
Griptonite - Grape Apple. Lightly carbonated. Each Relaxation Dietary Supplement contains a proprietary calming blend of natural extracts including a full suite of B VITAMINS and Zinc. (24) 20 oz. bottles per case. Each bottle contains 1 serving. [Category: Sippin Syrup]
Price: $59.00 Case
Katalyst Beverage Corp. (show all matches)

Mellin Sippin Syrup
Mellin Sippin Syrup
Mellin - Strawberry Watermelon. Lightly carbonated. Each Relaxation Dietary Supplement contains a proprietary calming blend of natural extracts including a full suite of B VITAMINS and Zinc. (24) 20 oz. bottles per case. Each bottle contains 1 serving. [Category: Sippin Syrup]
Price: $59.00 Case
Katalyst Beverage Corp. (show all matches)

Blue Sippin Syrup
Blue Sippin Syrup
Blue - Pomegranate Berry (Carbs, Sugar & Calorie Free). Lightly carbonated. Each Relaxation Dietary Supplement contains a proprietary calming blend of natural extracts including a full suite of B VITAMINS and Zinc. (24) 20 oz. bottles per case. Each bottle contains 1 serving. [Category: Sippin Syrup]
Price: $59.00 Case
Katalyst Beverage Corp. (show all matches)

Kandy Sippin Syrup
Kandy Sippin Syrup
Kandy - Vanilla Cream Cotton Candy. Lightly carbonated. Each Relaxation Dietary Supplement contains a proprietary calming blend of natural extracts including a full suite of B VITAMINS and Zinc. (24) 20 oz. bottles per case. Each bottle contains 1 serving. [Category: Sippin Syrup]
Price: $59.00 Case
Katalyst Beverage Corp. (show all matches)

Purple Sippin Syrup
Purple Sippin Syrup
Purple - Smooth Grape flavor Lightly Carbonated. Each Relaxation Dietary Supplement contains a proprietary calming blend of natural extracts including a full suite of B VITAMINS & Zinc. (24) 20 oz. bottles per case. Each bottle contains 1 serving. [Category: Sippin Syrup]
Price: $59.00 Case
Katalyst Beverage Corp. (show all matches)

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