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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " Helps" yielded 482 matches

06/01/2010 - Unlocking Ecommerce Software to Grow Your Business
It's one of the age-old dilemmas faced by business owners: You've got a terrific product or service to sell, but not a good means of selling it.

06/01/2010 - Home Furnishings & Housewares On Roll
The home furnishings and housewares segment of consumer goods has come through the economic downturn with mostly flying colors, according to both U.S. government statistics and purveyors of goods in the category

06/01/2010 - Tradition and Innovation at Solid Silver
A family jewelry business, Solid Silver Inc. was established back in 1986 Los Angeles by Voravudh Vorasuvin, then a recent émigré from Thailand.

06/01/2010 - Cracking the Code for Profits
The toy market has always been difficult to gauge. Ever changing fads, not to mention the luxury item status of many toys during tougher economic times

06/01/2010 - Tattoo Program Triples Your Profits
TAT International founder and owner, Kirk Knapp, has not had it easy in business. "Nine years ago I was broke," he says.

06/01/2010 - Tracking Email Campaigns
In past articles, I showed you how to track various paid search traffic channels using Google Analytics and Google's URL Builder

06/01/2010 - Social Networking Tips
Business owners have quite a bit to gain from the social media revolution, and quite a bit to learn from those who have managed to use the new technology to great advantage.

05/01/2010 - Successful Email Marketing
Many people hearing the term, "email marketing," think of spam cluttering up their inboxes from unwanted (and, unknown) companies, or occasional notes about upcoming sales or coupons that may or may not be relevant to their lives and lifestyles.

05/01/2010 - Sweet Success With Candy Concepts is not just about candy. In fact, candy now accounts for a mere ten to 15 percent of the company's sales.

05/01/2010 - Empowers Entrepreneurs
Buying from is an excellent way for store owners to stay ahead of their competition, because the company carries sought-after, trendy items not found anywhere else.

05/01/2010 - Best Days & Times for Emails
When considering how to get the most out of your email campaigns, do not overlook the timing of a send.

04/01/2010 - Trendy Fashion Fun at Doki Geki
For stores that cater to the junior market and rely on suppliers of hot, trendy, and cost effective items, is the place to buy.

04/01/2010 - Ten Best Shipping Practices
It's no secret: Shipping is one of the most essential factors in closing ecommerce sales.

03/01/2010 - Ranking for Local Search
Most Internet users use search functions many times a day, whether they're looking for information on a general topic

03/01/2010 - Tracking MSN and Yahoo! PPC in Google Analytics
When fed the right data, Google Analytics can extract query string variables that may offer better reporting capabilities.

02/01/2010 - Social Media 101
Once thought to be a passing fad, and still relatively new, social media has taken a firm hold and warrants attention in many retailers' online marketing efforts.

01/01/2010 - Small Electronics Review
Trying to recapture some "Ho-ho-ho," from this past holiday season, as opposed to the "No, no, no," that characterized most of 2009.

01/01/2010 - MK Brings Good Life to Water
The Good Life Gear product line from MK Distributors Inc. includes stainless steel water bottles with clever twists that make using them much more fun and functional than similar products.

01/01/2010 - Building Trust Online
Although a number of factors come into play when a customer makes a buying decision on the Internet, none is more important than trust.

12/01/2009 - Fragrances Forecast
Few consumer categories seem to be following the patterns of the national economy quite like that of fragrances.

11/01/2009 - What Makes Web Retail Tick
Calling ecommerce, "The bright side of retail," during her keynote address at the 2009 Annual Summit, Sucharita Mulpuru of Forrester Research spelled out six things online retailers have done right.

11/01/2009 - Knowing Your Market Share Will Set You Free
Do you know your market share? It isn't hard to figure out.

11/01/2009 - Join the Social Networking Party
The next 50 years of the Internet will be dominated by the phenomenon known as social networking.

11/01/2009 - Inspirational Coins
CAMDEN STREET INC. has introduced a series of pocket coins designed to inspire, motivate and HELP a person reach a decision.

11/01/2009 - Grrr-nola Bars for Dogs
ALL AMERICAN PET BRANDS has introduced a series of Grrr-nola bars, billed as the first meal in a bar for dogs.

11/01/2009 - Effective Email Marketing
A staple in any customer retention program is the ability to write emails that strengthen relationships, receive responses and prompt action.

11/01/2009 - Conserving for Profit
The environment and the economy go hand in hand.

11/01/2009 - Ahead of the Trend at
Charleen Hsieh's innate fashion sense is certainly part of the reason why is such an successful company.

11/01/2009 - Accountant Offers HELP
Dashboard Accountants, an outsourced bookkeeping firm based in Salt Lake City, is offering small and mid size businesses an opportunity to get their accounting records cleaned up for free.

10/01/2009 - Web HELPS Small Biz
A new website has been created to provide small business owners with access to local resources for financing, training and networking.

10/01/2009 - Unique Selection at Red Barn Ranch
There really is a red barn at Red Barn Ranch Wholesale. It was built in 1910 on what was then a walnut farm, and it is now the warehouse for their inventory of beautiful and diverse products.

10/01/2009 - Turn iPhone into POS Terminal
PHONETRANSACT.COM, an iPhone software developer, offers two retail related software programs that combine to give retailers a handy, portable credit card and point of sale terminal.

10/01/2009 - Recession Proof Pet Products
In a downturn economy, people may not feel comfortable spending money on themselves, but at My Shopping Tree, they are finding that possibly for that very reason, sales of personalized pet products are way up.

10/01/2009 - Plus Size Wholesale Fills Niche
Against a background of providing exclusive, fashionable apparel in plus sizes, Brad Capo founded Plus Size Wholesale nearly four years ago.

10/01/2009 - Jewelry and Watches for Holiday Profits
It's not just retailers who need a bright holiday season. Consumers do, too! After holding back on spending and getting by on basics, they are ready to celebrate with gifts that add some sparkle to the season.

10/01/2009 - Fed Extends Loan Program
The Federal Reserve has extended a program intended to spur lending to consumers and small businesses, at lower rates.

10/01/2009 - Current Customers are Key to Profits
If you want a sure way of increasing profits, look to your existing customers.

09/01/2009 - Toys & Novelties Extravaganza
Toys and novelties are in high demand this holiday season, as long as they represent good value for dollars spent on fun.

09/01/2009 - Success Begins at Home: Advice for Your Home & Product Pages
In a previous article I mentioned the three most important pages on an ecommerce site.

09/01/2009 - SavesUCash Makes U Money
In the world of ecommerce, it can often seem difficult to connect with a reputable supplier of high quality goods.

09/01/2009 - OfficeMax Partners with Payless
Two heavyweight retailers in very different fields have partnered in a cross merchandising, back to school promotion.

09/01/2009 - Loyalty Programs on Rise
Participation in loyalty or rewards programs has increased 19 percent since 2007, according to a recent study by Colloquy, a Cincinnati based research firm. marketing

09/01/2009 - Documenting History
HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS has nearly 1,000 replicas of historical documents, which are produced on heavy parchment and undergo a process that gives them an antique look.

09/01/2009 - Cracco Jewelry from Brazil
CRACCO JEWELRY is made in Brazil and has been on the market for 30 years.

09/01/2009 - Content Trumps All
Quality is more important than quantity when it comes to designing a retail website, according to Lauren Freedman, president of research and consulting for E-Tailing Group Inc.

09/01/2009 - Buyers Seek Bargains
The economic downturn has more consumers turning to the Internet to find lower cost items and services, according to a new report from the Pew Internet & American Life project.

09/01/2009 - All That Jazz
The primary products available from All That Jazz are sheet sets and blankets.

08/01/2009 - Website Aids Loans
America's Recovery Capital (ARC) loans are government mandated interest free loans designed to HELP small businesses.

08/01/2009 - Turning New Profits With New Leaf Trading
New Leaf Trading has turned over a new leaf, restructuring both their market and their products; thus the origin of their new company name.

08/01/2009 - Top Housewares Trends
Respecting Generational Divides, Living Within Our Means, the Live In Kitchen, the Green Kitchen, the Wellness Kitchen and Cooking for Fun are the most important trends at work in the consumer marketplace of the future.

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