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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for "business" yielded 500 matches

05/01/2011 - Online Merchants Go Wild
As the economy begins to turn a corner, a growing number of ecommerce fashion wholesalers are leaping to launch new companies, while established dealers report that BUSINESS is picking up.

05/01/2011 - Killerbeads Offers Guaranteed Sales To Ecommerce Jewelers
With an 18-year-history of selling jewelry and incense, Killerbeads has a nose for what ecommerce merchants need.

04/01/2011 - Dropship BUSINESS Pushed To The Foreground
The Internet may have allowed a thousand ecommerce flowers to bloom, but wholesale dropshippers are the fertile soil from which many of those merchants have sprouted.

04/01/2011 - Offers Complete Ecommerce Solutions
Many distributors start off as traditional wholesalers, stocking goods in warehouses and relying on field reps and faxes for orders.

04/01/2011 - Fragrance Maker Inspired To Launch New Products After Brush With Death
In the face of catastrophe, truly courageous people fight back and take a new look at all the facets of their lives.

04/01/2011 - Ecommerce Sites With Valuable Information Rank Higher
If shoppers never find your ecommerce site, the best web design, customer support, and products will be useless in helping you make sales.

04/01/2011 - ASD Show 2011: Traffic Good, Exhibitors Pleased
The 2011 ASD Show in Las Vegas was thronged, and exhibitor reaction ranged from satisfied to ecstatic, reports from the show floor indicate.

04/01/2011 - Using trust symbols on your website to drive more sales
There are many features your website must have in order to be successful online. Having a well-designed and attractive website is important, but it is not enough.

03/01/2011 - Hot-Selling History?
Even 150 years later, the Civil War has the power to move minds and hearts.

03/01/2011 - New Golf Game Pays Off
About six years ago, Nowicki was a sales rep with a love of golf. Now he's an entrepreneur, and owner of Horseshoe Golf Inc.

03/01/2011 - Fearless Halloween Forecast
For retailers looking to cash in on America's love of Halloween, there are no tricks, even in a down economy.

03/01/2011 - Planning Promotions
As important as it is to generating sales, I find that too many small- to medium-sized stores have not taken the time to plan out a promotional calendar for their BUSINESSes.

03/01/2011 - Coping With Ecommerce Change
An ancient Greek philosopher said, "The only constant is change." That's especially true in this most changeable of fields, online retailing.

03/01/2011 - More Retailers Move To Ecommerce
Electronic commerce is gaining in importance, according to a new study by Retail Systems Research.

03/01/2011 - New Ecommerce Site Design Links Catalog with Product Prices
Sales One International, the wholesale company that specializes in body jewelry and stainless steel jewelry, has released a new catalog that uses an innovative design to push users right to its website.

02/01/2011 - Is Chat Dead or Live?
A big advantage that brick and mortar stores have over ecommerce sites boils down to a simple phrase, "May I help you?" When a customer looks confused in a brick and mortar store, a clerk can stop to offer personal assistance.

02/01/2011 - Toy and Game Forecast
From radio band helicopters to rubber band bracelets, it is not easy to figure out the next hot toy.

02/01/2011 - Summit Road Launches New Site
A premiere wholesale distribution company is moving even more of its BUSINESS online. Summit Road Distributing, selling a large assortment of products, dipped its toes in the ecommerce waters years ago with a site on

02/01/2011 - Puttin' on the Blitz at Mr. Checkout
Mr. Checkout Distributors, a large network of independent jobbers and wholesalers that sells products into 25,000 small retail stores.

02/01/2011 - Five Reasons Why Shoppers Don't Buy
We know there are a number of factors that come into play when a consumer makes a buying decision, and we study them from head to toe in order to increase sales.

02/01/2011 - ASD Vegas Opens Feb. 27
The ASD Show returns to Las Vegas February 27 - March 2, attracting 40,000 to 50,000 attendees, with buyers from all over the U.S. and overseas.

02/01/2011 - Treat Credit Data With Care
Retailers rely on credit cards like restaurants rely on plates, but the danger of broken plates is nothing compared to the danger of lost or stolen credit card information.

01/01/2011 - Moving To Mobile Ecommerce
Converging trend lines show that the importance of mobile computing and smartphone shopping is beginning to be seen on the retail front.

01/01/2011 - Kalan's Keys to Success
With a successful history of 40 years selling key rings, novelties and more, you might think a wholesaler like Kalan Inc. would be content with a sure winning strategy.

01/01/2011 - Exit Sales Tackles Fishing Gear Online
Over the course of a long and busy professional life, Bobby Fowler has come full circle.

01/01/2011 - Bright Future for Sunglasses
Discount sunglasses are a great item to source online, because the Web makes it easy to browse the thousands of styles out there.

12/01/2010 - World Trading 23 Upgrades For Growth
World Trading 23, an online specialty toy wholesaler, has embarked on an ambitious program of upgrades and enhancements.

12/01/2010 - Online Fraud: Threat, Prevention, and Recovery
Anyone who buys or sells on the Internet may be vulnerable to online fraud.

12/01/2010 - Fragrance Sales Not Wafting Away
From perfume to incense to air fresheners, scented products continue to draw customers to retail checkouts, even in a stinky economy.

12/01/2010 - Sunny Outlook For Solarrific
Grace King is a wholesaler with a mission. "I started my company in 2007, when the price of oil was getting high.

12/01/2010 - Mobile Commerce
With all the talk of iPhones, apps, Blackberrys and like-minded "smart" devices, at some point, if not already, you need to consider when it is right to make a move to mobile commerce.

12/01/2010 - Chat Software Offers E-Tailers a Chance to Close The Deal
For retailers the world over, looky-loos are a frustrating problem, but at least brick-and-mortar retailers can chat with browsers who are "just looking," and maybe even convert them into paying customers.

12/01/2010 - Hot Sauce Claws Out Competition
The gourmet hot sauce market is a competitive one, says Robert McDade, president of New Orleans based Natural Selections. Brands compete as much on the basis of how the product looks on the shelf as on the way the sauce tingles the tongue.

11/18/2010 - DollarDays Introduces SBA Backed Loan Offering to Help Small BUSINESS Owners
Leading online wholesaler DollarDays now offers an SBA loan program through its website to help small BUSINESS owners secure funding.

11/01/2010 - Email Etiquette and Disclaimers
Observing the rules of email etiquette can be a quick and painless component of marketing your products or services to existing and prospective customers.

11/01/2010 - Via Trading Adds Spanish-Language Site
In November 2002, Via Trading made its first sale.

11/01/2010 - Alligator Heads For Smiles & Profits
You never know where a hobby like fossil collecting might lead you. Just ask Robert McDade, CEO and founder of Natural Selections Inc., who started collecting fossils and minerals as a hobby.

11/01/2010 - Sporting Goods
Is there such a thing as an industry that's truly recession-proof?

11/01/2010 - Ecommerce Holiday Checklist
The holidays are quickly approaching, and retailers should already be pushing promos geared to these dates.

10/01/2010 - Landing Page Optimization
Many online entrepreneurs are content with letting their websites' home pages sell their goods for them.

10/01/2010 - Quality Italian Air Fresheners
Car wash magnate Ira Feinberg has been an entrepreneur, inventor, and industry expert for close to 50 years.

10/01/2010 - Pampered Princess Booms Online
Sharee Kowalski was a mom selling wholesale jewelry out of the trunk of her car 20 years ago.

10/01/2010 - Jewelry & Watches Rebound
Time may indeed heal all wounds, as the old saying goes, if the recent performance of the jewelry and watches segment of the economy is any indicator.

10/01/2010 - Turning Web Shoppers into Buyers
Many online store owners have the impression that all they have to do is attract more traffic and sales rise.

10/01/2010 - FCC Punts On Net Neutrality
In September the Federal Communications Commission extended the public discussion period on the controversial Net Neutrality issue, thereby delaying a decision on the topic until after the elections this month.

10/01/2010 - ASD Brings Buyers and Sellers Together
The leading wholesaler and supplier brands gathered at ASD Las Vegas from August 8-11.

09/11/2010 - Building Online Revenue with Affiliate Programs
Everyone wants to make more money. Affiliate programs are a great way to make more money with relatively little effort.

09/09/2010 - Wholesale Central's New Data Security Standards, the top-ranked BUSINESS-to-BUSINESS directory for general merchandise buyers, distributors, importers and manufacturers, was recently certified PCI Compliant.

09/01/2010 - Gifts, Candles and Incense Trends
When it comes to the aromatic arts, giftware sellers are generally well stocked, and contrary to national economic news, well satisfied.

09/01/2010 - Giftbliss Succeeds With Snow To Go
Giftbliss Sales started up in 1993 as a manufacturers' rep group.

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