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Your Search for " Email Marketing" yielded 166 matches

06/01/2007 - New Web Tactics Engage Buyers
Video streamlining and social networking are among the tactics online retailers are utilizing to engage shoppers, increase shopping trips and build loyalty.

06/01/2007 - MARKETING With Blogs & RSS
One of the most important elements of success in business is interaction between seller and buyer.

06/01/2007 - Discover Your Audience
It is not enough to decide to create a blog: a business must also determine who its audience will be and where to find them

05/01/2007 - Sunglass Fashion Update
Summer fashion trends are often like the season itself. They come, go and come back again. Sometimes they look vastly different from the prior year; other times, the fashion is familiar to a time you almost forgot existed.

05/01/2007 - Smart EMAIL Means Sales for Salco
Wholesaler, Salco Distributors, has been using consistent, content rich EMAIL campaigns to drum up sales and maintain relationships at

05/01/2007 - Shoppers Cotton to EMAIL
EMAIL MARKETING is a hit with shoppers, according to a new report from Forrester Research.

04/01/2007 - Wealthy Love Bargains
F. Scott Fitzgerald once said that the rich are different from the rest of us.

04/01/2007 - Keeping Shopping Carts Safe
A wholesaler's online shopping cart is the backbone of the business, so taking care of it is essential.

03/01/2007 - EMAIL Personalization
Just 10 percent of EMAIL marketers individualize all aspects of their EMAIL campaigns.

02/01/2007 - Personalize Web Shopping
Personalization techniques can not only help an online retailer get more customers, it can also build loyalty and add to tickets by cross selling and getting more shoppers to trade up.

02/01/2007 - Icing on Your EMAIL Cake
Prettying up an EMAIL MARKETING campaign can boost conversion rates, according to a study of best practices by Silverpop Systems Inc.

01/01/2007 - Salco Streamlines Web Sales
Sal Maggio became a salesman at the wee age of four. His older brother was hawking candy bars for a school benefit, and the toddling Maggio could not resist his natural predilection.

01/01/2007 - Products & Prices Drive Sales At CloseoutCentral
For the last 10 years, the Internet has been building steam towards becoming the dominant medium of the future for business to business trade. And has been leading the way, step by step, as this revolution has taken place.

01/01/2007 - Positive MARKETING From Your Limited Database
Discouraged by your limited ability to target past customers? Whether you are in wholesale or retail, you are not alone. Even some of today's fastest growing companies do not have their web divisions set up the way they want or need them to be. So how can you compensate if you do not have precious data on visitors because you do not have a proper analytics program?

01/01/2007 - Managing Shipping
The cost of shipping a one pound box from L.A. to New York can range anywhere from $1.73 to $69.73, depending on shipping options. A Forrester Research study for says online sales of items shipped are expected to increase 20 percent this year, to approach $132 billion.

01/01/2007 - 10 Tips To Build Sales
Believe it or not, many retailers fail to respond to inquiries that could lead to additional business. Salespeople often dismiss phone calls, EMAIL queries, web page click throughs and web impressions as, "window shoppers."

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