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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for "store" yielded 500 matches

06/01/2010 - Reaping the Benefits of eBay
eBay has emerged as one of the greatest sources for wholesale providers on the globe. There are a number of methods one may adopt to find the lowest priced and most dependable eBay wholesale providers.

05/01/2010 - Successful Email Marketing
Many people hearing the term, "email marketing," think of spam cluttering up their inboxes from unwanted (and, unknown) companies, or occasional notes about upcoming sales or coupons that may or may not be relevant to their lives and lifestyles.

05/01/2010 - Sweet Success With Candy Concepts is not just about candy. In fact, candy now accounts for a mere ten to 15 percent of the company's sales.

05/01/2010 - Empowers Entrepreneurs
Buying from is an excellent way for STORE owners to stay ahead of their competition, because the company carries sought-after, trendy items not found anywhere else.

05/01/2010 - Best Days & Times for Emails
When considering how to get the most out of your email campaigns, do not overlook the timing of a send.

05/01/2010 - The Rise of Mobile Apps
To date, the world of mobile retail has been confined largely to promotion and marketing. But that looks to be changing greatly in the coming years, with a move into outright sales and revenue production via mobile applications.

04/01/2010 - Trendy Fashion Fun at Doki Geki
For STOREs that cater to the junior market and rely on suppliers of hot, trendy, and cost effective items, is the place to buy.

04/01/2010 - Women's and Men's Fashion Accessories
Fashion is showing signs of coming into fashion again, with indications in some quarters that the much debated economic recovery is having a positive effect on apparel and accessories.

04/01/2010 - MAD By Design's Vietnamese Handbags
Doug Stein operated restaurants and night clubs in Asia for many years, and anyone who has ever been involved in that business know that it is exhausting.

04/01/2010 - Ten Best Shipping Practices
It's no secret: Shipping is one of the most essential factors in closing ecommerce sales.

04/01/2010 - Organizing Across Channels
For companies with more than one presence, it can be a challenge to figure out how best to organize for the purposes of serving the customer and doing business, both effectively and profitably.

03/01/2010 - Gift Offers Preloaded Sites
After a retailer, eBay STORE, flea marketer or anyone else who sells product sets up an account at Gift, they can simply visit that website, order the product and have it shipped in their STORE's name to their customer

03/01/2010 - J & L Wholesale Tobacco Accessories & More
STOREs that serve the smoker will not only find a rich array of tobacco and smoking accessories at Allentown, PA based J & L Wholesale Distributors, but also a potpourri of other products to boost sales and profits.

03/01/2010 - Positive Trends for Toys & Souvenirs
A decent holiday season and the generally positive economic outlook for 2010 are boding well for companies specializing in toys and souvenirs

03/01/2010 - Tracking MSN and Yahoo! PPC in Google Analytics
When fed the right data, Google Analytics can extract query string variables that may offer better reporting capabilities.

03/01/2010 - Geolocation Enhances E-Retail
While the benefits to consumers of shopping online are obvious, there is also a benefit to be gained by linking those customers to the real world.

02/01/2010 - Tech Feature: Google Analytics
How do you measure the success of your company's website? Receiving reports on how many users clicked on the site is a fairly basic way.

02/01/2010 - Retail 2010: Strategy for Success
I believe that 2010 will be a landmark year for retail. The first quarter is definitely going to be tough, and I think it is probable that some retailers will run out of gas and close their doors.

02/01/2010 - Knockout Adds Personality & Profits
Just a few short years ago, Pamela Slaughter of Knockout Decals had to educate potential buyers as to what exactly a hitch cover was.

02/01/2010 - Bright Forecast for Sunglasses
"The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades," pop group, Timbuk 3, famously declared in 1989.

01/01/2010 - Trademark Global's Shark Line Of Value Priced Appliances
TRADEMARK GLOBAL is the exclusive distributor of the Shark and Euro-Pro factory service line of appliances.

01/01/2010 - SerTop Is On Top
Adam Topping, co-owner of Ser Top, knows three reasons why his customers appreciate ordering customized sweatbands, silicone wristbands and patches from his company.

01/01/2010 - Building Trust Online
Although a number of factors come into play when a customer makes a buying decision on the Internet, none is more important than trust.

12/01/2009 - Fragrances Forecast
Few consumer categories seem to be following the patterns of the national economy quite like that of fragrances.

12/01/2009 - Shared SSL Certificates vs. Private
A big part of increasing conversion on an ecommerce site involves building trust and credibility with your customers.

11/01/2009 - UPS Adds Web Printing Service
The UPS STORE chain has launched an Internet service that lets customers design brochures, posters and other materials online, and then have them printed and prepared for pickup at a local UPS STORE.

11/01/2009 - Toys R Us Opens Pop Ups
Toys 'R' Us Inc. has announced it will set up 350 temporary STOREs and toy boutiques during the holiday season.

11/01/2009 - Spectrum Packaging Has Customer Service in the Bag
In an extremely competitive market determined primarily by price, Spectrum Packaging has carved a niche for themselves with their superior customer service.

11/01/2009 - Souvenirs Update & Forecast
Souvenir companies have understandably been buffeted by the economic downturn in ways that many other businesses have not.

11/01/2009 - Marketing Trends for 2010
Noted Danish physicist, Niels Bohr, once noted that, "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future."

11/01/2009 - Knowing Your Market Share Will Set You Free
Do you know your market share? It isn't hard to figure out.

11/01/2009 - Kiosks Spread Fun
Fun always attracts attention, especially if the source is something novel.

11/01/2009 - Fragrances and Scents for High Margins
For centuries, fragrances and scents have been used to establish a mood or change one. That is as true today as it ever was. Women and men look to perfume and scents for a crowning touch of luxury.

11/01/2009 - Effective Email Marketing
A staple in any customer retention program is the ability to write emails that strengthen relationships, receive responses and prompt action.

11/01/2009 - Conserving for Profit
The environment and the economy go hand in hand.

11/01/2009 - Ahead of the Trend at
Charleen Hsieh's innate fashion sense is certainly part of the reason why is such an successful company.

10/01/2009 - Unique Selection at Red Barn Ranch
There really is a red barn at Red Barn Ranch Wholesale. It was built in 1910 on what was then a walnut farm, and it is now the warehouse for their inventory of beautiful and diverse products.

10/01/2009 - Turn iPhone into POS Terminal
PHONETRANSACT.COM, an iPhone software developer, offers two retail related software programs that combine to give retailers a handy, portable credit card and point of sale terminal.

10/01/2009 - Tips for Discounting
In addition to eroding profits, discounting can wreck a retailer's brand value.

10/01/2009 - Swine Flu Strategy
The timeworn adage: plan for the worst and hope for the best, applies to retailers as they head into flu season, which unfortunately coincides with their busiest season of the year.

10/01/2009 - Sears Adds Toy Shops
In time for the holiday shopping season, Sears has added new in-STORE toy shops.

10/01/2009 - Renegotiating Leases
In the face of continuing economic conditions, powerful national retailers and restaurant corporations are actively and aggressively renegotiating their leases with their landlords.

10/01/2009 - Recession Proof Pet Products
In a downturn economy, people may not feel comfortable spending money on themselves, but at My Shopping Tree, they are finding that possibly for that very reason, sales of personalized pet products are way up.

10/01/2009 - Plus Size Wholesale Fills Niche
Against a background of providing exclusive, fashionable apparel in plus sizes, Brad Capo founded Plus Size Wholesale nearly four years ago.

10/01/2009 - Opinions Sway Youth
Younger shoppers are most influenced by online opinions, according to a study by Hill & Knowlton.

10/01/2009 - Loyalty Differs Online and Off
Customer loyalty in the online world is not the same as loyalty to a brick and mortar STORE.

10/01/2009 - Green Profits: Take A Deep Breath
As we prepare for winter, consumers in many parts of the country are adjusting to colder weather, closed windows and stagnant indoor air, and they are purchasing air care products in order to cope.

10/01/2009 - Dress for Less - the New Normal
"Clothes make the man," goes the old saying, to which Mark Twain once waggishly added, "Naked people have little or no influence on society."

10/01/2009 - Current Customers are Key to Profits
If you want a sure way of increasing profits, look to your existing customers.

10/01/2009 - Comparing Comparison Sites
The use of price comparison services (also known as shopping comparison services or price engines) has exploded over the past few years, and even with overall sales down, research shows they're growing ever stronger.

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