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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for "online shopping" yielded 288 matches

07/01/2009 - Exploring Free Shipping Options
Since shoppers are interested in buying from retailers who offer free shipping, that service will only increase a merchant's ONLINE sales.

06/01/2009 - Winning Sports Souvenirs
Thanks to Prizes!, sports fans throughout the U.S. have a means of showing their undying devotion to their favorite teams.

06/01/2009 - Wholesalers Expand ONLINE Offerings
Internet wholesale suppliers large and small are enhancing their ONLINE marketing and sales strategies to help their retailer customers get more bang for the buck.

06/01/2009 - Website Discounts Lux Home Goods
One Kings Lane makes its web debut as an invitation required, membership ONLINE SHOPPING destination that offers deep discounts on designer home goods.

06/01/2009 - Study Confirms Shift to ONLINE
Time and money savings are among the reasons consumers give for shifting more of their spending to the Internet.

06/01/2009 - Multichannel Marketing
What is Multichannel Marketing? For someone new to ecommerce, and even those that have been around for awhile, it is something that you must understand and use in today's ever-growing, ever-changing ONLINE marketplace.

06/01/2009 - Is Live Chat Right for You?
For those internet retailers who may feel they have their hands full dealing with their customers...

05/01/2009 - Trendy Fashion Fun at Doki Geki
For stores that cater to the junior market and rely on suppliers of hot, trendy, and cost effective items, is the place to buy.

05/01/2009 - Increasing Average Orders
Generating more revenue for your ONLINE store is undoubtedly one of the most important long term goals of any business owner.

05/01/2009 - Controlling and Reducing Fulfillment Costs
We all know we're in a tough business climate.

04/01/2009 - Website Pays Shoppers
A new social product networking website allows shoppers to earn cash by recommending top products.

04/01/2009 - Store Pickup Gains
Web shoppers and retailers alike are increasingly favoring in-store pickups, according to a recent study by Forrester Research Inc.

04/01/2009 - Sites Wield Influence
User reviews and recommendations on ONLINE retail sites are more useful for typical web shoppers who plan to reduce the amount of money they spend on a variety of products, according to a recent study.

04/01/2009 - Payments From Bank Accounts
A new payment system called Mazooma enables ONLINE shoppers to pay directly from their bank accounts.

04/01/2009 - New Show at Meadowlands
American Variety Merchandise Expo, a new, all wholesale general and variety merchandise trade show, debuts May 31 through June 2 at the Meadowlands Expo Center in Secaucus, NJ.

04/01/2009 - How to be a Wholesale Central Power User
As a retailer, you are always on the lookout for new products and new suppliers.

04/01/2009 - Fun For Kids From Peabodys
The card kits sold by Peabody's Toys That Teach Inc., are a product waiting to explode.

04/01/2009 - Dakota Steel Art For Wind Spinners
Wind spinners have come a long way from their origin. In the Thirties, they were called wind twirlers, and were similar to a vertical windmill, in that a single twisted piece of metal was angled into the wind.

04/01/2009 - 3 Most Important Web Pages
To be successful in ecommerce, you need to be proactive, not passive.

03/01/2009 - Web Sales Rising
Despite the recession, ONLINE retail sales will likely keep climbing in 2009.

03/01/2009 - Web Club Touts Deals, a worldwide ONLINE social SHOPPING club, has been established by YippeeO LLC.

03/01/2009 - U.S. Ecommerce Comeback Seen by 2010
Ecommerce in the United States is expected to climb back to last year's levels by 2010 after experiencing slowing growth in 2009 due to the recession, a research group said recently.

03/01/2009 - Study Sees Web Gains in Downturn
A significant group of consumers, identified as, "recession shoppers," indicated in a recent study that they will do more SHOPPING ONLINE this year if their financial situation worsens.

03/01/2009 - Diverse Products Push Sales
Diverse products and categories can fill the bill for kiosk and cart vendors, as long as the items grab shoppers' attention. Two companies with products that could hardly be farther apart highlight the diverse possibilities.

03/01/2009 - Decreasing Cart Abandonment
Moving customers through the checkout process effectively is a critical element toward closing any sale ONLINE.

03/01/2009 - Belkin Gets Caught Buying 5-Star Reviews
Just last Wednesday, I spent an entire session of my ONLINE reputation management workshop explaining how to manage negative product reviews, and increase the positive ones.

02/01/2009 - Hackers Attack Retail Sites
Hacker attacks against retail sites soared in the last half of 2008, rising by 161 percent during the July to November period.

02/01/2009 - Beating the Giant Chains
It is a challenging economic climate for retailers big and small.

01/01/2009 - ONLINE Buyers Expand Spending
Big ticket items, such as home appliances, have been among the products to be least purchased ONLINE.

01/01/2009 - Home Depot Speaks Spanish
Home Depot Inc. joins a small but growing number of big chain retailers launching a Spanish version of their websites.

01/01/2009 - Excess Holiday Inventory
With the holidays receding in the rearview mirror, retailers from all niches will need to send back pallets of excess merchandise inventory.

12/01/2008 - Shoptopia Merges Bricks and Clicks
Malls in Virginia and Nevada have launched a social SHOPPING site to drive ONLINE shoppers to their local retailers.

12/01/2008 - In-Store Pickup Improves
Shoppers who order ONLINE for in-store pickup are more likely to find the item ready and waiting when they arrive at the store this year.

12/01/2008 - Good Web SHOPPING
If a shopper has a bad experience on a retail website, the ONLINE merchant may never see that shopper again, just as a store would not regain a disappointed shopper.

12/01/2008 - Easy SHOPPING At
New sites emerge daily on the Internet. Conversely, countless sites fail. The result of this continuing shakeout is that one site often comes to dominate its category.

12/01/2008 - E-Tail Marketplaces
Small and mid-sized ONLINE merchants who have not experimented with e-tail marketplaces are leaving money on the table.

11/01/2008 - Village Wrought Iron: A Touch of Tradition
In a high-tech world where manufacturing mass quantities has become the cost-effective norm, it is refreshing to find a company that retains traditional values of domestic labor and hand-crafting.

11/01/2008 - Retailers See Strength ONLINE
ONLINE retailers reported profitability last year and believe ONLINE SHOPPING will be more resilient than other channels in the months ahead, according to a newly released study by Forrester Research for

11/01/2008 - Ranking Buyer Satisfaction
Brick-and-mortar units outranked SHOPPING websites when it comes to finding product information, according to the E-tailing Group's fourth annual crosschannel SHOPPING study.

11/01/2008 - Holiday Email Tips
Major ONLINE retailers began sending holiday emails on October 28th last year, 58 days before Christmas, according to a new report.

11/01/2008 - Consumers Love Coupons
As Americans attempt to stretch their disposable dollars, we are becoming a nation of coupon clippers.

11/01/2008 - Challenging Holiday Season
Forecasters see gains in retail sales over the holidays, but the gains are expected to be less than in years past.

10/01/2008 - Prep Websites for Holidays
More consumers are expected to shop ONLINE this holiday season. Now is the time to make sure your retail website is ready to maximize the potential.

09/01/2008 - Web Shoppers Cut Store Buys
An increasing number of ONLINE buyers have reported that their web purchases have reduced their buying of similar items in retail stores, according to the 2008 Digital Future Project from the Center for the Digital Future.

09/01/2008 - Web Satisfaction Survey
Satisfaction with ONLINE retailers varies by ethnic group, according to a survey by research and consulting firm, Forrester Research.

09/01/2008 - The Facebook Edge
Many leading web retailers are losing ground to competitors in marketing to young adults by not maintaining a fan page on the social networking site

09/01/2008 - Inflation Dilutes Rebate Impact
While acknowledging that the government's rebate checks intended to stimulate the economy have helped significantly.

09/01/2008 - Ebay to Emphasize Fixed-Price Sales Format
Acknowledging that most ONLINE shoppers cannot be bothered with auctions, eBay plans Wednesday to announce changes to its fee structure that emphasize fixed prices over bidding.

09/01/2008 - Early Holiday Web Marketing
While most consumers don't start holiday SHOPPING in earnest until the day after Thanksgiving, ONLINE retailers should begin marketing for the season as early as October, according to MarketLive Inc., an eCommerce platform provider.

09/01/2008 - Back to School Trends
One fifth of parents nationwide have set aside a portion of their stimulus check for back to school purchases

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