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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for " Customer" yielded 500 matches

09/01/2011 - Mountain View Movies Specializes In DVDs And Games
When Tiffany Wilkie and her husband launched their wholesale closeout DVD business six years ago, they didn't know that they had a blockbuster on their hands.

09/01/2011 - Great L&H Trading Is Making Business Bright
Great L&H Trading, a discount sunglass and fashion eyewear manufacturer and wholesaler, began its business in China, but quickly expanded to the United States.

09/01/2011 - The Perfect Cart Experience
Ask any number of shoppers what elements would need to be present to create the perfect cart experience and likely there will be a variety of different answers.

08/01/2011 - Good Videos Can Boost Web Business
Would you watch a video of two dull people talking in a studio for 30 minutes?

08/01/2011 - Ruby Imports Costume Jewelry Trends
When no one else was selling jewelry online, Ruby Imports' Sun Jung saw the potential for a growing market.

08/01/2011 - DPJ Wholesale's Global Perspective
Before John Dohm founded DPJ Wholesale, he spent a lot of time visiting the far-flung corners of the world.

08/01/2011 - Gift And Decor Wholesalers Adapt and Thrive
The gift and decor industry covers a wide range of merchandise, but some universal trends can be found when taking a closer look at the industry?s suppliers.

08/01/2011 - Clear Web Words Make Profits
For online wholesalers and retailers, creating a profitable B2B or B2C website isn't as simple as following the Field of Dreams instruction book, which suggests, "If you build it, they will come."

08/01/2011 - Made In America
Tommy Evans, president and CEO of Alabama Wholesale Socks, has a vision for the future that includes American products in American homes.

08/01/2011 - Facebook & eCommerce
With 700 million users worldwide and 150 million in the U.S. alone, Facebook is a platform of potential shoppers to many ecommerce innovators looking to make Facebook a part of online retail.

08/01/2011 - Investing In Web Merchants
As the economy continues its slow recovery, venture capitalists, investors, and acquisition specialists are taking a new look at ecommerce companies.

08/01/2011 - Banner Ad Boom
Online advertising is enjoying a banner year, and that presents opportunities for ecommerce merchants, say tech writers and pundits.

07/01/2011 - New Payment Frontiers: Smart Phones
With smartphone use growing in America, the technology exists for anyone to process a credit card when it comes time to check out a CUSTOMER.

07/01/2011 - Footwear Suppliers Basic Styles And Tropical Sandals Are Hot
From sandals on the Fourth of July to toe socks at Christmas, footwear and hosiery are always in season.

07/01/2011 - Buy4Store Finds New Ways To Serve Retailers
While some wholesalers may do a single thing well, is continually refining new and multiple ways to provide profitable opportunities to its retailer buyers.

07/01/2011 - Steal Deal Inc. Fully Optimized For Search Engines
Mix a successful wholesale clothing business with a savvy Internet strategy, and expect explosive growth.

07/01/2011 - Nurturing CUSTOMER Loyalty
If you want to increase profits, start looking internally. Shifting your sales focus from new CUSTOMERs to loyal CUSTOMERs is one way to increase your sales dramatically.

07/01/2011 - SEO Tips for Electronic Retailers
Search engine optimization goes beyond landing a top keyword, says Danielle Sharpe of

07/01/2011 - Etailers And Facebook
Many ecommerce merchants are using Facebook to promote brand awareness, offer deals, and provide CUSTOMER support.

06/01/2011 - Building Ecommerce Business With Blogs Means Both Challenges And Rewards
Many ecommerce merchants depend on search result traffic to bring new CUSTOMERs to their Internet storefronts.

06/01/2011 - Leading Holiday Suppliers Offer Trend Advice For Seasonal Success
Just about every retail business gets a vital boost in the final months of the year, but for merchants who specialize in seasonal goods, there's no season like the holiday season.

06/01/2011 - Delivers Top Of The Trend Fashion Just In Time
With the experience that comes from 35 years in business, Phillips International, Inc. is a master of the art of timing.

06/01/2011 - Responding To CUSTOMER Needs, Toy Network Continues To Evolve
Responding to a changing marketplace, Toy Network LLC enjoys success as a nimble toy importer.

06/01/2011 - Five Ways to Stop Cart Abandonment
Too often, ecommerce transactions are spoiled by abandoned shopping carts.

06/01/2011 - Polling CUSTOMERs On Facebook Pays Off For Ecommerce Merchants
Although there are a number of ways to make social media work for an ecommerce business, online polling is often overlooked.

05/01/2011 - Add Video to Your Marketing To-do List
If you are looking to tackle a few projects on your marketing to-do list, participating in a video sharing site may help you with two scheduled items: social media and search engine optimization (SEO).

05/01/2011 - Fashion Wholesaler Thrives With Great Prices And Variety
EMart Wholesale has a simple and solid philosophy that is serving the company well in these troubled economic times.

05/01/2011 - eCommerce Social Media Marketing Done Right
Most people think of Facebook when they hear social media, and many retailers think Facebook is irrelevant to their business.

05/01/2011 - Online Merchants Go Wild
As the economy begins to turn a corner, a growing number of ecommerce fashion wholesalers are leaping to launch new companies, while established dealers report that business is picking up.

05/01/2011 - Killerbeads Offers Guaranteed Sales To Ecommerce Jewelers
With an 18-year-history of selling jewelry and incense, Killerbeads has a nose for what ecommerce merchants need.

05/01/2011 - Google Product Ads
In November 2007, Google invited users to beta test a new form of advertising available to Adwords advertisers called the Product Plusbox.

05/01/2011 - Web Expert Offers Selling Tips
Making ecommerce difficult for CUSTOMERs is a huge blunder for many online merchants.

04/01/2011 - Dropship Business Pushed To The Foreground
The Internet may have allowed a thousand ecommerce flowers to bloom, but wholesale dropshippers are the fertile soil from which many of those merchants have sprouted.

04/01/2011 - Offers Complete Ecommerce Solutions
Many distributors start off as traditional wholesalers, stocking goods in warehouses and relying on field reps and faxes for orders.

04/01/2011 - Fragrance Maker Inspired To Launch New Products After Brush With Death
In the face of catastrophe, truly courageous people fight back and take a new look at all the facets of their lives.

04/01/2011 - Product Comparison Sites Let Retailers Reach Shoppers
As more and more shoppers go online, the chances are slim that any one potential CUSTOMER even knows your web address, much less wants to shop specifically at your site.

04/01/2011 - Ecommerce Sites With Valuable Information Rank Higher
If shoppers never find your ecommerce site, the best web design, CUSTOMER support, and products will be useless in helping you make sales.

04/01/2011 - ASD Show 2011: Traffic Good, Exhibitors Pleased
The 2011 ASD Show in Las Vegas was thronged, and exhibitor reaction ranged from satisfied to ecstatic, reports from the show floor indicate.

04/01/2011 - Using trust symbols on your website to drive more sales
There are many features your website must have in order to be successful online. Having a well-designed and attractive website is important, but it is not enough.

03/01/2011 - Landing Pages Drive Conversion
Effective landing page design can drive ecommerce conversions, as every online retailer wants to convert browsing consumers into paying CUSTOMERs.

03/01/2011 - Hot-Selling History?
Even 150 years later, the Civil War has the power to move minds and hearts.

03/01/2011 - New Golf Game Pays Off
About six years ago, Nowicki was a sales rep with a love of golf. Now he's an entrepreneur, and owner of Horseshoe Golf Inc.

03/01/2011 - Fearless Halloween Forecast
For retailers looking to cash in on America's love of Halloween, there are no tricks, even in a down economy.

03/01/2011 - Planning Promotions
As important as it is to generating sales, I find that too many small- to medium-sized stores have not taken the time to plan out a promotional calendar for their businesses.

03/01/2011 - More Retailers Move To Ecommerce
Electronic commerce is gaining in importance, according to a new study by Retail Systems Research.

03/01/2011 - New Ecommerce Site Design Links Catalog with Product Prices
Sales One International, the wholesale company that specializes in body jewelry and stainless steel jewelry, has released a new catalog that uses an innovative design to push users right to its website.

02/01/2011 - Is Chat Dead or Live?
A big advantage that brick and mortar stores have over ecommerce sites boils down to a simple phrase, "May I help you?" When a CUSTOMER looks confused in a brick and mortar store, a clerk can stop to offer personal assistance.

02/01/2011 - Toy and Game Forecast
From radio band helicopters to rubber band bracelets, it is not easy to figure out the next hot toy.

02/01/2011 - Summit Road Launches New Site
A premiere wholesale distribution company is moving even more of its business online. Summit Road Distributing, selling a large assortment of products, dipped its toes in the ecommerce waters years ago with a site on

02/01/2011 - Puttin' on the Blitz at Mr. Checkout
Mr. Checkout Distributors, a large network of independent jobbers and wholesalers that sells products into 25,000 small retail stores.

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