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Search Results

Your Search for " Search" yielded 264 matches

12/01/2008 - Easy Shopping At
New sites emerge daily on the Internet. Conversely, countless sites fail. The result of this continuing shakeout is that one site often comes to dominate its category.

12/01/2008 - E-Tail Marketplaces
Small and mid-sized online merchants who have not experimented with e-tail marketplaces are leaving money on the table.

12/01/2008 - Combining SEARCH for Higher Conversion
There are many ways to increase conversion of your paid SEARCH campaigns. On a general level, it starts with the keywords, moves to the ad title and copy, and on to the landing page (the page at which your traffic arrives).

11/01/2008 - Top Sellers for Parks, Resorts and Gaming
The Internet has become a terrific resource for retailers who sell memorabilia and novelty products at shops and stands located near tourism attractions across the country.

11/01/2008 - Shipping Promotions That Drive Sales
With the holidays quickly approaching, there is no better time to take a close look at the shipping offers you provide your customers.

11/01/2008 - Ranking Buyer Satisfaction
Brick-and-mortar units outranked shopping websites when it comes to finding product information, according to the E-tailing Group's fourth annual crosschannel shopping study.

11/01/2008 - Monitor Social Networks
While online merchants' use of social networks can bring benefits, they also can carry harmful consequences.

11/01/2008 - Internet SEARCHing Soars
A new study highlights the importance of having a visible Internet presence.

10/01/2008 - Using Live Chat to Boost Sales
It has been reported for some time now that adding an attended Live Chat strategy to a website can help increase sales.

10/01/2008 - Prep Websites for Holidays
More consumers are expected to shop online this holiday season. Now is the time to make sure your retail website is ready to maximize the potential.

10/01/2008 - Offline Advertising Drives Online Traffic
Regardless of the medium, offline advertising is driving consumers online, according to a recent survey by JupiterReSEARCH.

10/01/2008 - Mediak Lets the Kids Do the Talking
Earlier this year, Mediak vice president, Junnie Sublett, was working her booth at a fundraising show in San Diego. She was looking to pick up sales leads and generally network at the show.

09/01/2008 - Social Networks Build Brand Awareness
Increasing buyers' awareness of your company and products is just one element of running a successful online business.

09/01/2008 - RedRoller Perfects Shipping & Savings
Just when you thought there were no more great ideas left to be discovered on the Internet, along comes RedRoller.

09/01/2008 - Ranking Wholesale Marketplaces
In this Internet era, sifting through all the available online marketplaces and SEARCH engines to find a wholesale supplier can be extremely time-consuming.

09/01/2008 - Liss Eliminates The Middleman
Twenty five years ago, Robert Liss recognized overseas manufacturers' need to obtain distribution in the U.S. and buyers' need to gain their products at affordable prices.

09/01/2008 - Early Holiday Web Marketing
While most consumers don't start holiday shopping in earnest until the day after Thanksgiving, online retailers should begin marketing for the season as early as October, according to MarketLive Inc., an eCommerce platform provider.

08/01/2008 - Web SEARCHers Offer Advice
Consumers who SEARCH online are more likely to offer advice on the products and services they have purchased, according to a survey by market reSEARCH firm, BigReSEARCH LLC.

08/01/2008 - Social Networking Primer
If Digg, MySpace, and FaceBook are foreign concepts to you, it might be time to find out what the social networking phenomenon is all about. Social networking can be a way to maximize your online presence.

08/01/2008 - Infotech America Offers Web Promo Services
In the past five years, consumers have changed the way they find products and services via the Internet.

08/01/2008 - Gaining Customer Confidence For More Sales
The Internet can provide store owners with a wider channel of distribution for their products.

07/01/2008 - Win with
You might think that a website like would balk at the suggestion that it is, "the eBay for wholesale liquidations."

07/01/2008 - Office Depot Teams with Google
Office Depot Inc. has launched an online business resource center with Google, to give small retailers access to Google's marketing and business tools.

07/01/2008 - Nostalgia Reigns At Desperate Enterprises
In his book, "Walden," Henry David Thoreau asked, "Why should we be in such a desperate haste to succeed in such desperate enterprises?

07/01/2008 - Coping With Site Objectives
SEARCH engine optimization sometimes conflicts with other design goals, according to the Rimm-Kaufman Group, a SEARCH marketing and consulting firm.

07/01/2008 - ClassifiedFlyerAds Makes 'Bid' to Help eBay Sellers
eBay store owners can now advertise their items for sale to thousands of users outside of the eBay site thanks to

07/01/2008 - Buyers Network Speeds Transactions
In addition to all its free and convenient features, also allows users to utilize a free Buyers Network.

06/01/2008 - Licensed Characters From NJ Croce
In 1983, when Nick Croce, Jr's father, Nicholas, announced that they were switching from brassware to Gumby products, Nick Jr thought he was crazy.

06/01/2008 - Innovative Signs, owned and operated by Andy Greenbaum, is an Internet business that sells signs. It carries close to 3,000 products, and is a comprehensive source of information about the wide variety he carries.

05/01/2008 - Veteran Web Buyers VS. Rookies
Nearly three quarters of U.S. consumers say they have shopped online, according to Forrester ReSEARCH

05/01/2008 - Vertical SEARCH Effectiveness
Vertical SEARCH engines are continuing to grow in popularity because they only show the results that are relevant to a marketer's product needs.

05/01/2008 - Shoppers ReSEARCH Online
ReSEARCHing online prior to buying continues to gain among today's online shoppers.

05/01/2008 - Going Organic: Optimizing for SEARCH to Increase Website Sales
Gaining exposure about your web business and its products or services is critical. As I stated in my last column, if a potential customer does not know you exist during their buying process, then you have no chance to make a sale.

05/01/2008 - Creating An Online Leader
Sometimes you just know early on in a venture how things will work out. From the start, they go very much for or against you.

04/01/2008 - Shoppers Shift Channels
Televised shopping shows and infomercials remain powerful ways to interest consumers in buying.

04/01/2008 - Rhino Mart Charges Ahead
Like the principles in Rhinoceros Success, the book that inspired him, Drawlon Tsang, owner of Rhino Mart, is a focused, take charge person who has always accomplished his goals.

04/01/2008 - Online Visibility For Small & Medium Businesses
Small and medium-sized businesses have two pressing needs they would pay to satisfy, according to a new survey: visibility in online SEARCHes; and actionable contact information on consumers who phone them.

04/01/2008 - Google Tops SEARCHes
One quarter of online shoppers open the door via SEARCH engines, according to Hitwise, the Internet reSEARCH firm. This is the same percent that came from SEARCH engines a year ago.

04/01/2008 - Exist or Not Exist: Securing the Buyer's Attention
In last month's column, I wrote about building sales momentum through relevance and consistency.

03/01/2008 - Style & Service Drive Sales At Pacific Link
Years ago, Ron Bryan was managing a mall cart kiosk business in the Atlanta, GA area, when Pacific Link Sunglasses General Manager, David Rice, approached him about joining his company.

03/01/2008 - New Click Fraud Filter Improves Traffic Quality
Click Forensics, Inc., the leading provider of click fraud prevention solutions, has announced the availability of Click Forensics for Publishers

03/01/2008 - Halloween & Party Items Spell Fun
Halloween items and party supply products are certainly not always similar by nature.

03/01/2008 - Building Relevance And Sales Momentum
Relevance occurs when an input (a sight, sound, a display, words) connects with an individual's background to yield conclusions that matter to them, like answering a question

03/01/2008 - Best Web Sourcing
When sourcing wholesale merchandise, where do emarketers find the best products and prices for items being made in the U.S.A, China and other manufacturing markets?

02/01/2008 - Toy Wonders: Titans of Toys
Toy Wonders, the family owned and operated company, began in Taiwan four generations ago as a toy exporting business.

02/01/2008 - Golden Compass Increases Web Sales
I have noticed a recurring problem among merchants who have contacted me to help them increase their website sales.

02/01/2008 - Flipping Over Flipo
Jerry Philippeau accidentally entered into business while he was a singer/songwriter living in Los Angeles, California.

02/01/2008 - Buyers & Sellers Win with
You might think that a website like would balk at the suggestion that it is, "the eBay for wholesale liquidations."

02/01/2008 - Bolster Global eCommerce
Global eCommerce has incredible possibilities when it comes to sales. Buyers are able to find the best prices, and sellers can connect with the greatest number of customers.

01/01/2008 - Web Buying Habits
Easy SEARCH tools were seen as the most useful and desired characteristic of retail websites in a recent survey from The E-tailing Group Inc.

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