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INDEPENDENT RETAILER magazine is now the official news outlet for Wholesale Central visitors. Each monthly issue is packed with new product ideas, supplier profiles, retailing news, and business strategies to help you succeed.

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Your Search for "online retail" yielded 349 matches

08/01/2007 - Grows ONLINE
Some companies get things right the first time, whether they are marketing ONLINE or offline.

08/01/2007 - Shoppers Want Info
The ability to research products ONLINE is very important to RETAIL shoppers, according to a new study conducted for WebCollage.

08/01/2007 - A Family Tradition Of Success
If you were to make a map of Robert Vayner's personal journey to becoming a successful businessman, it would be dotted with precious minerals.

08/01/2007 - Crucial Call Centers
Customer satisfaction with catalog RETAILers' call centers outrank centers run by six other industries. Yet this same group is missing opportunities to engage and upsell.

08/01/2007 - Choosing The Right Shopping Cart
Without a stable shopping cart that is easy for customers to navigate, etailers will find themselves at a distinct disadvantage

07/01/2007 - Small RETAILers vs. Big Boxes
How do independent RETAILers compete with the, "big boxes?" Let us face it: It is hard to beat the economies of scale that the big boys enjoy in the RETAIL market.

07/01/2007 - Surplus Success At Via Trading
Jacques Stambouli was brainstorming one day in the library, while working on his master's thesis. His professor had assigned him to come up with a business plan that pertained to RETAIL or wholesale.

07/01/2007 - Savvy RETAILers Seek Hot Holiday Products
It is coming up fast: that time of year when the jingle of sleigh bells equals the jingle of change in the registers of savvy RETAILers.

07/01/2007 - RightNow Delivers CRM Solution
RightNow Technologies debuts RightNow RETAIL, a new offering that combines next generation customer relationship management (CRM) solution.

07/01/2007 - News Archive Offers Insight For RETAILers
All of the articles you read in Web Wholesaler Magazine can now be found conveniently ONLINE in the "Wholesale News and Article Archive," on

07/01/2007 - Clothing Trumps Computers ONLINE
As total web sales are projected to hit $259 billion this year, some shifts are taking place among the top selling ONLINE product categories.

06/01/2007 - Sending Email Images
More and more web wholesalers and RETAILers are using photos in their email campaigns to show off their hottest product lines.

06/01/2007 - RETAILers Gain Edge ONLINE
Wholesale websites have transformed the buying process for many independent RETAILers.

06/01/2007 - Register Stand Saves RETAILers Space
One of the biggest problems for most independent RETAILers is space, or more accurately, the lack of it.

06/01/2007 - Launches News & Article Archive has launched an extensive wholesale news and article archive serving wholesalers and RETAILers of consumer general merchandise.

06/01/2007 - New Web Tactics Engage Buyers
Video streamlining and social networking are among the tactics ONLINE RETAILers are utilizing to engage shoppers, increase shopping trips and build loyalty.

05/01/2007 - Sunglass Fashion Update
Summer fashion trends are often like the season itself. They come, go and come back again. Sometimes they look vastly different from the prior year; other times, the fashion is familiar to a time you almost forgot existed.

05/01/2007 - Quality & Service In the Bag At Handbag Express
Barry Herrington retired back in 1999 after three decades in the manufacturing and wholesaling industry, where he was a highly successful designer of underwater spa lighting systems and open heart surgical equipment.

05/01/2007 - Phishers Try New Tactics
Phishers and spammers are finding new ways to con visitors to RETAIL sites.

05/01/2007 - New England Diamond and Gem Co.
This company supplies 14k gold jewelry, plain or fancy, in all jewelry categories. There are several thousand pieces in stock at all times.

05/01/2007 - Karaoke Star Maker
EMERSON KARAOKE introduces a hand held karaoke converter that will convert any MP3, MP4, ipod, Zune or DVD player into a karaoke system.

04/01/2007 - Web Re-Design For Success
Most experts advise web marketers to do a fairly complete overhaul of their site designs once every two or three years. Some say that you should redesign every single year, in order to stay ahead or at least level with the competition.

04/01/2007 - Web Browsing And Store Sales
ONLINE research by consumers is not just a convenience they like: It is a major driver of in store sales, and its influence is growing.

04/01/2007 - Learning Music ONLINE
WORKSHOPLIVE offers a trio of gift cards that provide access to music lessons over the Internet. There are actually 1,600 different interactive lessons at the website that gift card holders can access.

04/01/2007 - Jewelry Sparkles on the Web
The jewelry business is much like a diamond: There are so many micro niches and interesting products, this industry appears at least slightly different, whenever you look at it from another angle.

04/01/2007 - Google Premieres Checkout
Google unveiled a series of aggressive money saving promotions over the past few months, intended to hasten the adoption of its new Google Checkout feature among ONLINE RETAILers and consumers.

04/01/2007 - Capturing Tax Refunds
In hopes of getting a little extra padding in their wallets from Uncle Sam, most consumers are filing their taxes early this year. This represents an opportunity for RETAILers, eager to capture some of that additional disposable income.

04/01/2007 - Buyers Happy As Spending Grows
American consumers are a happy lot, and that bodes well for RETAILers this year. The University of Michigan's latest customer satisfaction index suggests spending will grow as much a 4.1 percent this quarter.

03/01/2007 - Social RETAILing
A new in-store shopping experience, called, "Social RETAILing," is designed to target young consumers.

03/01/2007 - Short Changing RETAILers
A recent report serves to confirm RETAILers' claims that the interchange fees Visa and MasterCard charge for card acceptance are far higher than the benefits these merchants receive.

03/01/2007 - Multiple Shopping Channels
RETAILers can no longer rely on their stores alone to draw customers, as consumers are equally drawn to other channels, such as the world wide web and catalogs.

03/01/2007 - Long Tail SEO
Most RETAILers with an ONLINE presence are keenly aware of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a series of tools and techniques designed to drive up your rankings on popular search engines like Google and Yahoo.

03/01/2007 - Fickle Frequent Buyers
While multichannel shoppers have proven to be big spenders, they're not as loyal as their single channel counterparts.

03/01/2007 - DVA Spells Entertainment
Beginning in the late 1980s as a wholesaler of videos, DVA has grown and thrived through flexibility and expansion of product offerings. It now supplies a full range of products related to entertainment.

03/01/2007 - Dell Launches Web Resource
Dell, the computer company based in Round Rock, TX, has launched Small Business 360.

02/01/2007 - Debuts Asian Sources
Ever since China was accepted into the World Trade Organization in December 2001, the world has seen a growing demand for quality exports from Asian businesses.

02/01/2007 - Solid Year For ONLINE Toy Sales
A survey of ONLINE toy wholesalers and RETAILers reveals a good but not great year in 2006, and promising prospects for '07.

02/01/2007 - Securing the Right Financing
Plenty of great Internet success stories started in a basement office with a few hundred dollars and a dream.

02/01/2007 - Personalize Web Shopping
Personalization techniques can not only help an ONLINE RETAILer get more customers, it can also build loyalty and add to tickets by cross selling and getting more shoppers to trade up.

02/01/2007 - Develop Vendor Partners
While an entrepreneur's own energy and resourcefulness are critical to the success of RETAIL kiosk and cart programs, vendor support is also crucial.

02/01/2007 - Holiday Web Sales Update
ONLINE RETAIL holiday sales hit $15.6 billion, and were up 25 percent over corresponding days in 2005, according to a report by comScore Networks.

02/01/2007 - Gift Cards Keep Giving
Gift cards reached an estimated $24.8 billion, or about four percent of all 2006 holiday spending, according to most estimates.

02/01/2007 - Enlisting Customer Support
Passionate customers are the independent RETAILer's most valuable weapon in winning competitive battles against big chains and others. Here are some examples of how to enlist customers' support.

02/01/2007 - A&W Auctions Expand
A&W SURPLUS live auctions, which take place ONLINE every other Sunday at 11 p.m. eastern time, keeps adding new products to its offerings.

01/01/2007 - Products & Prices Drive Sales At CloseoutCentral
For the last 10 years, the Internet has been building steam towards becoming the dominant medium of the future for business to business trade. And has been leading the way, step by step, as this revolution has taken place.

01/01/2007 - Positive Marketing From Your Limited Database
Discouraged by your limited ability to target past customers? Whether you are in wholesale or RETAIL, you are not alone. Even some of today's fastest growing companies do not have their web divisions set up the way they want or need them to be. So how can you compensate if you do not have precious data on visitors because you do not have a proper analytics program?

01/01/2007 - Many Unhappy Returns
It is not just a sweater that's too small or a duplicate blender that will be returned to a store after the holidays. Honest shoppers will be joined at the return counter by a growing number of increasingly sophisticated crooks.

01/01/2007 - How the Small Survive ONLINE
While the Amazons, Dells and Sears of the Internet landscape dominate ONLINE commerce, it is the small wholesalers and RETAILers who make the web hum. Statistics on the exact number of mom and pop websites are tough to come by, but needless to say that without the millions of small ONLINE storefronts dotting the web, ecommerce would not be the bustling, diverse selling alternative that it is.

01/01/2007 - Converting Shoppers Into Buyers
Dollars spent on improving the shopping experience can significantly increase a RETAILer's sales and earnings. Specifically, building a multi channel capability can pay big dividends, according to a new study from Deloitte & Touche USA.

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